Azobe: Environmental certification

Azobe is available with a certificate. For example, with demonstrably sustainable forest management, the wood is supplied with an FSC® certificate. Another option is delivery with an OLB statement. The FSC® certified deliveries fall under the FSC® certificate 865505.

Why certification?

The forests are, among other things, our source of raw materials for now and future generations. Sustainable forest management must ensure that all functions of the forest, environment and humanity are maintained. The aim of certifying timber flows is to provide insight into the timber flow from the source in the country of origin to the end product. There are various certification systems worldwide to ensure this. For Azobe that is FSC®.

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council)

FSC® is a global organization that operates on a non-profit basis. FSC® was founded in 1993 by nature and environmental organizations, forest owners, human rights organizations, representatives of local communities and timber traders. FSC® has great brand recognition. Its aim is to protect forests against destruction and irreversible damage. The FSC® principles and criteria for responsible forest management give processors and consumers certainty that the wood comes from responsibly managed forests.

Legality statements

In addition to FSC® certification, Azobe wood is also available with legality statements by independent certifiers. OLB – Origine en Légalité du Bois – legality verification from bureau Veritas with certificates for forest concessions in West Africa.

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